Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Volume_flow_cst_unit_offset_1052 406C Offset Custom unit offset. The offset (addend) for the conversion to the custom unit. R/W Float 2048
Volume_flow_cst_unit_factor_1053 406D Factor Custom unit factor. The factor (multiplicand) for the conversion to the custom unit. R/W Float 2048
Norm_volume_flow_cst_unit_text_1055 406E Text Custom unit text. The display text for the custom unit. R/W ASCII 2048
Norm_volume_flow_cst_unit_offset_1056 406F Offset Custom unit offset. The offset (addend) for the conversion to the custom unit. R/W Float 2048
Norm_volume_flow_cst_unit_factor_1057 4070 Factor Custom unit factor. The factor (multiplicand) for the conversion to the custom unit. R/W Float 2048
Mass_flow_cst_unit_text_1059 4071 Text Custom unit text. The display text for the custom unit. R/W ASCII 2048
Mass_flow_cst_unit_offset_1060 4072 Offset Custom unit offset. The offset (addend) for the conversion to the custom unit. R/W Float 2048
Mass_flow_cst_unit_factor_1061 4073 Factor Custom unit factor. The factor (multiplicand) for the conversion to the custom unit. R/W Float 2048
Tot_volume_cst_unit_text_1063 4074 Text Custom unit text. The display text for the custom unit. R/W ASCII 2048
Tot_volume_cst_unit_offset_1064 4075 Offset Custom unit offset. The offset (addend) for the conversion to the custom unit. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class