Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
user_code_exists | 4019 | Eing.Code 1 | R/W | Enum | 0 | |
password | 401A | Code 1 | R/W | Integer | 0 | |
empty_spectrum_function | 400E | Fkt.Leersp. | Defines the function of empty spectrum. | R/W | Enum | 0 |
recorded_spectrum_type | 4036 | Record Spectrum | R/W | Enum | 0 | |
processing_status | 4039 | R | Integer | 0 | ||
spectra_number | 403A | R | Integer | 0 | ||
tank_type | 400D | Tankart | R/W | Enum | 0 | |
history_control | 400F | Hist.-Kontr. | Defines, whether to take preceeding measured values' trend into consideration. | R/W | Enum | 0 |
multiple_reflections | 4010 | Mehrf.-Refl. | Defines, whether identification of multiple reflections is required. | R/W | Enum | 0 |
relay_function | 4011 | Function R | R/W | Enum | 0 | |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |