Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
write_protection_flag 405C Write protection Enable/Disable Write Protection R/W Enum 2048
valve_potmeter_relation 405D Valve pot relation Relation between the Potentiometer & Valve R/W Enum 2048
deadband_value 405E DeadBand Dead band adjustment region = 0.1% to 10.0% R/W Float 2048
P_value 405F Proportional Proportional gain of PID. R/W Float 2048
I_value 4060 Integral Integral gain of PID. R/W Float 2048
D_value 4061 Derivative Derivative gain of PID R/W Float 2048
upper_cutoff 4062 Upr cutoff Cut Off Parameters R/W Float 2048
lower_cutoff 4063 Lwr cutoff Cut Off Parameters R/W Float 2048
upper_limit_value 4064 Upr limit Limit Parameters R/W Float 2048
lower_limit_value 4065 Lwr limit Limit Parameters R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class