Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
autotunestatus 4047 Autotune state Auto tune state indicating flag R Integer 2048
dev_oper_mode 4048 oper_mode Set point source... R/W Enum 2048
ipSourceSelector 4049 IPSource Set point source... R/W Enum 2048
ipconvertercur 404A IP Converter IP Converter value between 0 and 100 % R/W Integer 2048
pot_crosspoint 404B Pot crosspoint Seting of Potentiometer crosspoint value R/W Unsigned 2048
act_potrelation 404C Act pot relation Actuator Potentiometer Relation Value R/W Enum 2048
actuator_type 404D Actuator type Actuator type: Double/Single acting Rotary/Linear R/W Enum 2048
actuator_dir 404E Actuator dir Direct/Reverse acting: Set the controller for a direct or reverse acting actuator. R/W Enum 2048
valve_dir 404F ValveDir Step Direction. W Enum 2048
step_granularity 4050 step_granularity Step Granularity W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class