Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
total_stroke 407C TotNoStroke Total number of strokes. R/W Integer 2048
total_direction_change 407D TotDirChg Total number of change of direction. R/W Integer 2048
max_temperature 407E Max temperature Maximum Temperature value. R Float 2048
min_temperature 407F Min temperature Minimum Temperature value. R Float 2048
temperature_unitcode_diag 4080 TempUnits Supported Temperature units for alarm are dec C and deg F. R/W Enum 2048
pressure_data 4082 Pressure Pressure. R/W Float 2048
pressure_unitcode_diag 4083 PresUnits Supported pressure units are psi, bar and kPA. R/W Enum 2048
deviation_alarmflag 4085 DevAlarmflg Enable/Disable Deviation level limits. R/W Enum 2048
deviation_threshold 4086 Devthreshold Deviation Threshold given in Percent %. R/W Float 2048
deviation_wait_time 4087 DevWtime Deviation Wait Time 0 - 5 seconds. R/W Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class