Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
buffer_standard 40BE STD-Buffer Default: 25. Filtering system of the instrument. Change only according to applications specifi cs. R/W Unsigned 2048
keep_standard 40BF STD-Keep Default: 2: Filtering system of the instrument. Change only according to application specifics. R/W Unsigned 2048
environment_standard 40C0 STD-Environment Default: Dust. Normal - for dust free or minimum dust environment, Dust - for dusty environment. R/W Enum 2048
pause_time_standard 40C1 STD-Pause Time Default: 0 sec: Delay between the measurements - 0 sec - no delay, next measurement is executed immediately after previous, 1 sec -1 sec delay be done next measurement is executed, etc. R/W Float 2048
pointer_standard 40C2 STD-Pointer ON at STARTUP: Pointer with fl ash for 2 min. and will switch off when set to ON at STARTUP. Pointer will fl ash continuously when set to ON. R/W Enum 2048
program_type 4003 Program Type R/W Index 2048
program_index 4006 R/W Index 4096
diag_selected_index 4063 R Unsigned 2048
media_range 4031 Media Range MEDIA RANGE is the net distance from the Laser face to the maximum application range (example: max distance from laser face to silo bottom). This value must be entered in units that correspond to the unit of the process variable. The max available range on SS140XP is 262 ft / 80m for level measurement to any natural target. R/W Float 2048
measure_mode 4032 Measure Mode Media Level refers to the Level Measurement from the silo bottom to the material surface. Distance refers to the distance measurement from the Laser Transmitter face to the material surface. R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class