Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
pause_time_heavy_dust 40D1 HD-Pause Time Default: 0 sec: Delay between the measurements - 0 sec - no delay, next measurement is executed immediately after previous, 1 sec -1 sec delay be done next measurement is executed, etc. R/W Float 2048
pointer_heavy_dust 40D2 HD-Pointer ON at STARTUP: Pointer with fl ash for 2 min. and will switch off when set to ON at STARTUP. Pointer will fl ash continuously when set to ON. R/W Enum 2048
fill_rate_position 40D3 POS-Fill Rate Default: 0.00 ft./min. Material level increase in silo under fill conditions. Default is 0.00 ft./min. When set to 0.00 ft./min, fill rate is not active. R/W Float 2048
empty_rate_position 40D4 POS-Empty Rate Default: 0.00 ft./min. Material level decrease in silo under discharge conditions. Default is 0.00 ft./min. When set to 0.00 ft./min, empty rate is not active. R/W Float 2048
range_blank_position 40D5 POS-Range Blank Default: 0.00 ft. Distance at which is possible for laser to lose signal due to reflecting from polished surface. Example: Stainless Steel vessels in food processing industry. R/W Float 2048
buffer_position 40D6 POS-Buffer Default: 25. Filtering system of the instrument. Change only according to applications specifi cs. R/W Unsigned 2048
keep_position 40D7 Keep Default: 2: Filtering system of the instrument. Change only according to application specifics. R/W Unsigned 2048
environment_position 40D8 POS-Environment Default: Dust. Normal - for dust free or minimum dust environment, Dust - for dusty environment. R/W Enum 2048
pause_time_position 40D9 POS-Pause Time Default: 0 sec: Delay between the measurements - 0 sec - no delay, next measurement is executed immediately after previous, 1 sec -1 sec delay be done next measurement is executed, etc. R/W Float 2048
pointer_position 40DA POS-Pointer ON at STARTUP: Pointer with fl ash for 2 min. and will switch off when set to ON at STARTUP. Pointer will fl ash continuously when set to ON. R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class