名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
password_entered 4031 读/写 整型 4096
password_ascii 4032 Access to Extended Parameters 读/写 Password 4096
raw_level 4033 Raw Level Raw Level- The raw count measured for the total level 无符号 2050
actual_level 42AB If the UPPER DIELECTRIC is not known, the ACTUAL INTERFACE level can be entered into this menu item and the UPPER DIELECTRIC will be reverse calculated. The ACTUAL INTERFACE will be measured from the end of the probe in the selected UNITS. 浮点 2048
alarm_delay 4034 Alarm Delay 读/写 浮点 2048
sw_revision_str 404E Software Version ASCII 2048
lin_table_input_index 404F 索引 4096
lin_table_point 4051 无符号 2048
lin_units 4011 Linearization Units LIN UNITS allows the selection of the desired output UNITS for the linearization table. LIN UNITS can be in Level, %, Volume or Flow units. Please see the Installation & Maintenance Manual or menu contents for unit options. 读/写 枚举 2048
lin_mode 4052 Linearization Mode Determines how the values in the table will be assigned; either by entering the input values manually or by raising the tank level and entering the values automatically. - Manual Mode allows the entry of the input values along with the desired respective output level. - Automatic mode requires the level of the product to be at the measured level when the respective output value is set. NOTE: Manual mode will produce a more exact linearization profile compared to Automatic mode. 读/写 枚举 2048
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类