名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
probe_length 401D Probe Length Also described as insertion length, PROBE LENGTH is the measured distance from the bottom thread of the process fitting (or the face of the flange) to the end of the probe. This value must be entered in units that correspond to the UNITS parameter. 读/写 浮点 2048
blanking_distance 401E Blanking Distance Blanking is a measured area which the MT5xxx will be set to ignore INCLUDING the nozzle distance. It may be necessary to extend the Blanking further past the nozzle to ignore reflections from the top portion of the probe. Blanking is set in terms of UNITS. To adjust the Blanking, enter the distance from the Reference Measurement to be ignored. Do not blank into your measuring range. Signal will be lost. 读/写 浮点 2048
level_offset 401F Offset Offset is a parameter which may be used to compensate for an un-measureable area below a probe OR to align the measurement of the MT5xxx with another device. The value entered in the Offset will be Added to or subtracted from the LVL indication on the main display as well as the output signal. Example: If the end of the probe were 4 inches off the bottom of the tank, the OFFSSET would be 4 inches. If the actual Measured Level were 21 inches after entering the OFFSET, the local indicator would indicate 25 inches (21 +4) and the output signal would indicate a level of 25 inches. 读/写 浮点 2048
gas_phase_dielectric 4020 Gas Phase Dielectric 读/写 浮点 2048
upper_dielectric 4021 Liquid Phase Dielectric The DIELECTRIC setting is an optional entry. It is not used to set or establish any operating parameters within the unit. It will not be necessary to know the exact dielectric constant of the process or to enter a valid value in this setting. NOTE: If the application was for interface measurement, you would need to use the parameter UPPER DIELECTRIC. 读/写 浮点 2048
language 4022 Language The MT5xxx has been equipped with several different operating languages to assist in the setup of the unit. When a specific language is selected, the titles of the menu items will be translated. Abbreviations specific to the MT5xxx will remain unchanged as icons regardless of language selection. Available LANGUAGES include: o English o French o Spanish o Portuguese o Italian o Russian o Chinese (Mandarin). 读/写 枚举 2048
level_threshold 4023 Threshold The Threshold voltage provides a method of signal detection along the waveform. The signal from the process reflection must cross this barrier to be detected as a signal. The MT5xxx is designed to detect the first pulse crossing the Threshold. The LEVEL THRESHOLD may need to be increased to avoid baseline interference or decreased to detect the correct pulse. 读/写 浮点 2048
lower_trim_point 4024 Low Trim Point 浮点 2048
lower_trim_count 4025 Lower Trim Count 无符号 2048
upper_trim_point 4026 High Trim Point 浮点 2048
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类