名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
B_val 4000 B Stern-Geary Derived from the Stern-Geary Relationship. If set to 0, the default of 0.0256 is used. Only used in output calculation if Meth2 is selected. 读/写 浮点 0
K_val 4001 K Comb Props Combined material and corrosion reaction properties. See the manual to determine this value. 读/写 浮点 0
A_val 4002 A Elec Area The area of one electrode in square centimeters. 读/写 浮点 0
F_Freq 4003 Filter Freq Line frequency for ADC low pass filter. 读/写 枚举 0
PF_Serial 4004 Serial Number P+F Device Serial Number 读/写 ASCII 0
Preference 4005 Preference Select the variable to control the output. 0 = Type1, 1 = Type2 or Localization. 读/写 枚举 0
PV_Alarm 4006 Alarm Config Select the alarm type. Issued when output exceeds URV or LRV. Will never be issued if the output is Type2. Manual alarm is reset when the Write Alarm, Command 145, is sent. 读/写 枚举 0
PF_PW 4007 PF Pswd Eight character password ASCII 0
IC_PW 4008 IC Pswd Eight character password ASCII 0
Mea_Mode 4009 Meas Mode Corrosion measurement mode. Normally set to 7, Meter Mode. 读/写 枚举 0
Calc_Method 400A Method Calculation method. 0 = Meth1, 1 = Meth2 读/写 枚举 0
Test_Mode 400B Method Calculation method. 0 = Meth1, 1 = Meth2 读/写 枚举 0
Comm_Date 400C Comm Date Manufacturing Commission Date 读/写 HART日期 0
Sens_Data0 400D Data [0] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_Data1 400E Data [1] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_Data2 400F Data [2] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_Data3 4010 Data [3] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_Data4 4011 Data [4] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_Data5 4012 Data [5] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_Data6 4013 Data [6] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_Data7 4014 Data [7] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_Data8 4015 Data [8] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_Data9 4016 Data [9] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_DataA 4017 Data [A] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_DataB 4018 Data [B] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_DataC 4019 Data [C] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Sens_DataD 401A Data [D] Results from the measurement process. 浮点 2051
Mea_OffsetV 401B V Offset Voltage Channel Offset. Typically 625 millivolts +/- 6. 读/写 浮点 0
Mea_OffsetI 401C I Offset Current Channel Offset. Typically 625 millivolts +/- 6. 读/写 浮点 0
PV_Avg 401D PV Avg Average of the selected measurement over the number of mearurement cycles since these were last cleared. 浮点 18
PV_Cnt 401E Samp Count The number of measurement cycles since last cleared. 无符号 18
PV_val 401F PV Selected measurement output. Type1 in mm/yr or mil/yr or Type2 浮点 34
PV_urv 4020 URV Selected measurement upper output limit. Not applicable if Preference is set to Type2. If the alarm is enabled, the loop current will go to alarm condition if the measured value exceeds this limit. 读/写 浮点 0
Sens_hilim 4021 Sens Max Sensor selected measurement maximum. 1000.0 for mm/yr, 40000.0 for mil/yr, 1.0 for Preference set to Type2 浮点 0
PV_lrv 4022 LRV Selected measurement lower output limit. Not applicable if Preference is set to Type2. If the alarm is enabled, the loop current will go to alarm condition if the measured value exceeds this limit. 读/写 浮点 0
Sens_lolim 4023 Sens Min Sensor selected measurement minimum. 0.0 for any output selection 浮点 0
PV_span 4024 Min Span Selected measurement minimum span. 1.0 if mm/yr, 40.0 if mil/yr. Not applicable if Preference is set to Type2. 浮点 0
PV_mA 4025 AO1 模拟量输出值——在正常工作模式下跟踪数值表示的数值。 读/写 浮点 66
PV_percent 4026 主变量 % 范围 % 范围——跟踪有关下限值和上限值所定义范围的数值表示的变量,该变量的单位始终为百分数。 浮点 34
PV_damp 4027 Damping Measurement damping time in seconds. 读/写 浮点 8
PV_Xfr 4028 Xfr Code Transfer Function Code 枚举 0
PV_Units 4029 PV Units Selected Ouput Variable Units if Type1, mm/yr or mil/yr, else if Type2, none 读/写 枚举 0
sensor_serial_number 402A 主变量传感器序列号 传感器序列号——识别数值表示或现场设备变量来源的传感器。 无符号 2048
Dummy_password 402B Dummy Password ASCII 4096
Dummy_units 402C Dummy Units 无符号 2048
MV_PW 402D MV Pswd Eight character password ASCII 0
MV_PWstate 402E MV Pswd St Password enabled indicator, 0 = diasbled, 1 = enabled 枚举 0
MV_Mode 402F MV Mode MV Mode. Disabled or Enabled. 枚举 0
SV_val 4031 Local Corrosion Secondary measurement output. 浮点 34
TV_val 4032 Stern-Geary Tertiary measurement output. 浮点 34
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类