Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
PV_Cnt 401E Samp Count The number of measurement cycles since last cleared. R Unsigned 18
PV_val 401F PV Selected measurement output. Type1 in mm/yr or mil/yr or Type2 R Float 34
PV_urv 4020 URV Selected measurement upper output limit. Not applicable if Preference is set to Type2. If the alarm is enabled, the loop current will go to alarm condition if the measured value exceeds this limit. R/W Float 0
Sens_hilim 4021 Sens Max Sensor selected measurement maximum. 1000.0 for mm/yr, 40000.0 for mil/yr, 1.0 for Preference set to Type2 R Float 0
PV_lrv 4022 LRV Selected measurement lower output limit. Not applicable if Preference is set to Type2. If the alarm is enabled, the loop current will go to alarm condition if the measured value exceeds this limit. R/W Float 0
Sens_lolim 4023 Sens Min Sensor selected measurement minimum. 0.0 for any output selection R Float 0
PV_span 4024 Min Span Selected measurement minimum span. 1.0 if mm/yr, 40.0 if mil/yr. Not applicable if Preference is set to Type2. R Float 0
PV_mA 4025 AO1 AO (アナログ出力値) - ノーマル オペレーティング モードでのデジタル値で表示します。 R/W Float 66
PV_percent 4026 PV % レンジ % レンジ - ノーマル オペレーティング モードでの Lower/Upper レンジ値によるデジタル値表示です。単位は常にパーセントです。 R Float 34
PV_damp 4027 Damping Measurement damping time in seconds. R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class