Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
upper_transducer_limit 4041 CJ UTL R Float 8
lower_transducer_limit 4040 CJ LTL R Float 8
upper_transducer_limit_1 404D UTL1 UTL1 - Defines the highest acceptable value for the Transducer1. R Float 8
lower_transducer_limit_1 404E LTL1 LTL1 - Defines the lowest acceptable value for the Transducer. R Float 8
upper_calib_point_1 404F Upper Calib Point Upper Calibration Point - Defines the sensor1 upper calibration value. R/W Float 8
lower_calib_point_1 4050 Lower Calib Point Lower Calibration Point - Defines the sensor1 lower calibration value. R/W Float 8
upper_transducer_limit_2 4051 UTL2 UTL2 - Defines the highest acceptable value for the Transducer2. R Float 8
lower_transducer_limit_2 4052 LTL2 LTL2 - Defines the lowest acceptable value for the Transducer2. R Float 8
upper_calib_point_2 4053 Upper Calib Point Upper Calibration Point - Defines the sensor2 upper calibration value. R/W Float 8
lower_calib_point_2 4054 Lower Calib Point Lower Calibration Point - Defines the sensor2 lower calibration value. R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class