Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
comn_disp_template 40C4 Screen Format R/W Enum 256
comn_trend_duration 40C5 Trend Duration R/W Enum 256
comn_PV_publish 40C6 PV Selection R/W Enum 256
comn_decimal 40C7 Decimals R/W Enum 256
comn_PV_processing 40C8 PV Scaling R/W Enum 256
comn_units 40C9 Display Units Engineering Units for the Display. For Basic Display it also sets units for all the Menu items including LRV, URV, LRL, URL and Calibration Methods R/W Enum 256
comn_custom_EU_HI 40CA Scaling High R/W Float 256
comn_custom_EU_LO 40CB Scaling Low R/W Float 256
comn_chart_low_limit 40CC Disp Low Limit Low limit for Trend/Bar chart R/W Float 256
comn_chart_hi_limit 40CD Disp High Limit High limit for Trend/Bar chart R/W Float 256
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class