Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
l_trim_value 4010 Trim Value R/W Float 4096
l_prod_calib_result 4013 Product Calibration Result R/W Enum 4096
l_prod_calib_state 4014 State R/W Enum 4096
l_prod_calib_errors 4015 Errors R/W Enum 4096
doValue 400F Dissolved Oxygen R/W Float 10
doUnits 4039 Dissolved Oxygen Unit R/W Enum 10
doFamily 4060 DO Dev. Family Device Family- Indicates the family (i.e, pressure, temperature, flow, etc.) that the device variable belongs. R Enum 128
doClassification 4061 DO Class Classification- Indicates the unit code expansion table used for a particular dynamic or device variable. R Enum 128
doPDQ 404C DO PDQ Process Data Quality- Indicates the overall process data quality of the device variable value. R Enum 2
doLS 404D DO LS Limit Status- Indicates whether the device variable is limited (i.e., not responding to a process). R Enum 1
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class