Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
iPort4StatsGoodMsg 41D8 Port 4 Good Msg Number of good messages on Port 4. R Unsigned 1
iPort4StatsBadMsg 41D9 Port 4 Bad Msg Number of bad messages on Port 4. R Unsigned 1
sMathUnits 41DB Math Units Six character measurement unit for the sc200 Calculated Value. R ASCII 2048
sMathParameters 41DC Math Parameters Six character measurement parameter for the sc200 Calculated Value. R ASCII 2048
sDigitalSensor1Connected 41F2 Sensor 1 Status Sensor 1 Installation Status. R ASCII 4096
sDigitalSensor2Connected 41F3 Sensor 2 Status Sensor 2 Installation Status R ASCII 4096
rLoop1Current 4248 Loop 1 Current Corrente di loop - Valore della corrente di loop come percepito dal dispositivo. R/W Float 66
rLoop2Current 4249 Loop 2 Current Corrente di loop - Valore della corrente di loop come percepito dal dispositivo. R/W Float 66
rLoopACurrent 4241 Loop A Current Corrente di loop - Valore della corrente di loop come percepito dal dispositivo. R/W Float 66
eLoopAAlarmCode 4242 Alarm A Select Analog Output Alarm Type- Defines how the Analog Output will respond when the Field Device detects that the Analog Output may not be tracking the associated Field Device Variable. NOTE- The Digital Value representation may not be determinate. R Enum 64
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class