Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ePhaseControlRelayD 4150 Phase Control D Select direct/reverse for Relay D. R/W Enum 0
iOverfeedTimerRelayA 4151 Overfeed Timer A Sets a time period for de-activating an active relay if the process setpoint cannot be reached. Once an overfeed alarm is present, it must be manually reset. R/W Unsigned 0
iOverfeedTimerRelayB 4152 Overfeed Timer B Sets a time period for de-activating an active relay if the process setpoint cannot be reached. Once an overfeed alarm is present, it must be manually reset. R/W Unsigned 0
iOverfeedTimerRelayC 4153 Overfeed Timer C Sets a time period for de-activating an active relay if the process setpoint cannot be reached. Once an overfeed alarm is present, it must be manually reset. R/W Unsigned 0
iOverfeedTimerRelayD 4154 Overfeed Timer D Sets a time period for de-activating an active relay if the process setpoint cannot be reached. Once an overfeed alarm is present, it must be manually reset. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnDelayControlRelayA 4155 On Delay A Sets a delay time for the relay to turn on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnDelayControlRelayB 4156 On Delay B Sets a delay time for the relay to turn on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnDelayControlRelayC 4157 On Delay C Sets a delay time for the relay to turn on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnDelayControlRelayD 4158 On Delay D Sets a delay time for the relay to turn on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffDelayControlRelayA 4159 Off Delay A Sets a delay time for the relay to turn off. R/W Unsigned 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class