Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
rPIMinWidthPulseD 412C Sets the minimum pulse width for PWM in seconds (0.1 to Max Pulse Width) or sets the minimum number of pulses for Frequency control (0.001 to Max Number of Pulses) for Relay D. R/W Float 0
rPIMaxWidthPulseA 4127 Sets the maximum pulse width for PWM in seconds (Min Pulse Width to Period) or sets the maximum number of pulses for Frequency control (Min Number of Pulses to 60 ) for Relay A. R/W Float 0
rPIMaxWidthPulseB 4129 Sets the maximum pulse width for PWM in seconds (Min Pulse Width to Period) or sets the maximum number of pulses for Frequency control (Min Number of Pulses to 60 ) for Relay B. R/W Float 0
rPIMaxWidthPulseC 412B Sets the maximum pulse width for PWM in seconds (Min Pulse Width to Period) or sets the maximum number of pulses for Frequency control (Min Number of Pulses to 60 ) for Relay C. R/W Float 0
rPIMaxWidthPulseD 412D Sets the maximum pulse width for PWM in seconds (Min Pulse Width to Period) or sets the maximum number of pulses for Frequency control (Min Number of Pulses to 60 ) for Relay D. R/W Float 0
rCalculatedValue 412E Calculated Value sc200 Calculated Value R Float 10
iOneLowUnsignedIntegerIndexSC200 4132 R/W Index 4096
eLanguage 4134 Language sc200 language selection list. R/W Enum 256
eDateFormat 4135 Date Format sc200 Date Format. R/W Enum 256
iDisplayContrast 4136 Display Contrast sc200 Display Contrast, 1 to 9. R/W Unsigned 256
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class