Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
iPIDDerivativeTime1 | 40E7 | PID Derivative Out 1 | Derivative time in seconds Output 1. | R/W | Unsigned | 0 |
iPIDDerivativeTime2 | 40E8 | PID Derivative Out 2 | Derivative time in seconds Output 2. | R/W | Unsigned | 0 |
iPIDTransitTime1 | 40E9 | PID Transit Out 1 | Stops all PID control for a selected period of time. | R/W | Unsigned | 0 |
iPIDTransitTime2 | 40EA | PID Transit Out 2 | Stops all PID control for a selected period of time. | R/W | Unsigned | 0 |
eRange1 | 40EB | Range Output 1 | Selection List of sensor ranges. | R | Enum | 0 |
eRange2 | 40EC | Range Output 2 | Selection List of sensor ranges. | R | Enum | 0 |
iOneLowFloatIndexSC200 | 40F0 | R/W | Index | 4096 | ||
rHighAlarmAlarmA | 40F2 | High Alarm A | Sets the High Alarm setpoint for Alarm A. | R/W | Float | 0 |
rHighAlarmAlarmB | 40F5 | High Alarm B | Sets the High Alarm setpoint for Alarm B. | R/W | Float | 0 |
rHighAlarmAlarmC | 40F8 | High Alarm C | Sets the High Alarm setpoint for Alarm C. | R/W | Float | 0 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |