Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
rPIDSetpoint1 40D9 PID Setpt Out 1 Sets the PID control setpoint for Output 1. R/W Float 0
rPIDSetpoint2 40DA PID Setpt Out 2 Sets the PID control setpoint for Output 2. R/W Float 0
rPIDProportionalBand1 40DB PID Prop Band Out 1 Sets the PID proportional band for Output 1. R/W Float 0
rPIDProportionalBand2 40DC PID Prop Band Out 2 Sets the PID proportional band for Output 2. R/W Float 0
iOneLowUnsignedIntegerOutputIndexSC200 40DE R/W Index 4096
eErrorHoldMode 40E0 Error Hold Mode Holds Outputs at last known value or switches to Transfer mode when sensor loses communication with controller. R/W Enum 64
eMeasurementSelect1 40E1 Meas. Select Output 1 Selection list of sensor measurements. R Enum 64
eMeasurementSelect2 40E2 Meas. Select Output 2 Selection list of sensor measurements. R Enum 64
eType1 40CA Type Output 1 Selection list of output modes. R/W Enum 64
eType2 40CC Type Output 2 Selection list of output modes. R/W Enum 64
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class