Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
eDiscreteInput2HoldMode 41BF DI 2 Hold Mode Selection list for the Discrete Input's Output Hold Mode. R/W Enum 1024
eDiscreteInput3HoldMode 41C0 DI 3 Hold Mode Selection list for the Discrete Input's Output Hold Mode. R/W Enum 1024
iDiscreteInput1OnDelay 41C1 DI 1 On Delay (0-999) The delay in seconds before the Input goes Active. R/W Unsigned 1024
iDiscreteInput2OnDelay 41C2 DI 2 On Delay (0-999) The delay in seconds before the Input goes Active. R/W Unsigned 1024
iDiscreteInput3OnDelay 41C3 DI 3 On Delay (0-999) The delay in seconds before the Input goes Active. R/W Unsigned 1024
iDiscreteInput1OffDelay 41C4 DI 1 Off Delay (0-999) The delay in seconds before the Input goes Inactive. R/W Unsigned 1024
iDiscreteInput2OffDelay 41C5 DI 2 Off Delay (0-999) The delay in seconds before the Input goes Inactive. R/W Unsigned 1024
iDiscreteInput3OffDelay 41C6 DI 3 Off Delay (0-999) The delay in seconds before the Input goes Inactive. R/W Unsigned 1024
iOneLowUnsignedLongIntegerIndexSC200 41C9 R/W Index 4096
iNetworkModuleGoodMsg 41CB Net Mod Good Msg Number of good messages on the network module. R Unsigned 1
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class