名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |
eMeasurementUnitsTDS | 4057 | TDS. Unit | List of controller displayed TDS measurement units. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 8 |
eSensorLogInterval | 4058 | Sensor Log Interval | The interval at which data will be written to the sensor data log. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 2048 |
iSensorRunningDays | 4059 | Sensor Running Days | Number of days the sensor has been in operation. | 读 | 无符号 | 1 |
eCondTempCompType | 4045 | Cond Temp Comp Type | Conductivity Temperature Compensation Type. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 8 |
eTDSTempCompType | 4047 | TDS Temp Comp Type | TDS Temperature Compensation Type. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 8 |
eTDSFactorType | 404A | TDS Factor Type | TDS Factor Type Selection. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 8 |
eCalibrationReminder | 405A | CAL Reminder Period | The period until a calibration is required. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 1 |
iCalDays | 405B | CAL Days | The number of days since the last calibration. | 读/写 | 整型 | 1 |
eCellConstant | 405C | Cell Constant | Conductivity Cell Constant Selection. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 8 |
eCableLenghtUnits | 405D | Cable Length Units | Selection list of cable length units. | 读/写 | 枚举 | 8 |
名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |