Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
rMaxSetting2 | 4116 | URV Output 2 | Sets the maximum output value. | R/W | Float | 0 |
rKneeValueSetting1 | 4117 | Knee Value Out 1 | Bilinear knee value. | R/W | Float | 0 |
rKneeValueSetting2 | 4118 | Knee Value Out 2 | Bilinear knee value. | R/W | Float | 0 |
rKneeCurrentSetting1 | 4119 | Knee Current Out 1 | Bilinear knee current in percent. | R/W | Float | 0 |
rKneeCurrentSetting2 | 411A | Knee Current Out 2 | Bilinear knee current in percent. | R/W | Float | 0 |
r50PercentLogSetting1 | 411B | 50% Log Output 1 | Log 50% setting. | R/W | Float | 0 |
r50PercentLogSetting2 | 411C | 50% Log Output 2 | Log 50% setting. | R/W | Float | 0 |
rPIDManualSet1 | 411D | PID Man Set Out 1 | Sets the PID manual output value (0.0 to 100.0 %). | R/W | Float | 0 |
rPIDManualSet2 | 411F | PID Man Set Out 2 | Sets the PID manual output value (0.0 to 100.0 %). | R/W | Float | 0 |
rPIDSetpoint1 | 4121 | PID Setpt Out 1 | Sets the PID control setpoint for Output 1. | R/W | Float | 0 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |