Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
rHighDeadbandAlarmA 418A High Deadband A Sets the High Alarm deadband for Alarm A. Deadband is a hysteresis so the relay will not swing unregulated when the process value converges to the setpoint R/W Float 0
rHighDeadbandAlarmB 418B High Deadband B Sets the High Alarm deadband for Alarm B. Deadband is a hysteresis so the relay will not swing unregulated when the process value converges to the setpoint R/W Float 0
rHighDeadbandAlarmC 418C High Deadband C Sets the High Alarm deadband for Alarm C. Deadband is a hysteresis so the relay will not swing unregulated when the process value converges to the setpoint R/W Float 0
rHighDeadbandAlarmD 418D High Deadband D Sets the High Alarm deadband for Alarm D. Deadband is a hysteresis so the relay will not swing unregulated when the process value converges to the setpoint R/W Float 0
rLowDeadbandAlarmA 418E Low Deadband A Sets the Low Alarm deadband for Alarm A. Deadband is a hysteresis so the relay will not swing unregulated when the process value converges to the setpoint R/W Float 0
rLowDeadbandAlarmB 418F Low Deadband B Sets the Low Alarm deadband for Alarm B. Deadband is a hysteresis so the relay will not swing unregulated when the process value converges to the setpoint R/W Float 0
rLowDeadbandAlarmC 4190 Low Deadband C Sets the Low Alarm deadband for Alarm C. Deadband is a hysteresis so the relay will not swing unregulated when the process value converges to the setpoint R/W Float 0
rLowDeadbandAlarmD 4191 Low Deadband D Sets the Low Alarm deadband for Alarm D. Deadband is a hysteresis so the relay will not swing unregulated when the process value converges to the setpoint R/W Float 0
rSetpointControlA 4192 Setpoint Control A Sets the Controller Setpoint for Relay A. R/W Float 0
rSetpointControlB 4193 Setpoint Control B Sets the Controller Setpoint for Relay B. R/W Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class