名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
rServicePortPercentGoodMsg 4216 Svc Port % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on the Service Port. 浮点 2049
rPort1PercentGoodMsg 4217 Port 1 % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on Port 1. 浮点 2049
rPort2PercentGoodMsg 4218 Port 2 % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on Port 2. 浮点 2049
rPort3PercentGoodMsg 4219 Port 3 % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on Port 3. 浮点 2049
rPort4PercentGoodMsg 421A Port 4 % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on Port 4. 浮点 2049
rTestTemperature 421B Current Temperature Internal temperature of the sc200. 浮点 9
rTest12V 421C 12V Supply Voltage Measured value of the sc200 12 volt supply. 浮点 2049
rTest3V3Current 421D 3.3V Supply Current Total 3.3V Supply current (A). 浮点 2049
rTest12VCurrent 421E 12V Supply Current Total 12V Supply current (A). 浮点 2049
rTestPort3Current 421F Port 3 Supply Current Smart Sensor 1 - 12V Supply current (A). 浮点 2049
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类