名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
iWarningLevelStatusRelayC 41FB Warning Level C Sets the level for device warning activation. 读/写 无符号 0
iWarningLevelStatusRelayD 41FC Warning Level D Sets the level for device warning activation. 读/写 无符号 0
ePWMFreqModeRelayA 41A3 Auto, the relay output works as a PID controller. Manual, the relay output has an On/Off ratio as set in the PI Manual setting. 读/写 枚举 0
ePWMFreqModeRelayB 41A5 Auto, the relay output works as a PID controller. Manual, the relay output has an On/Off ratio as set in the PI Manual setting. 读/写 枚举 0
ePWMFreqModeRelayC 41A7 Auto, the relay output works as a PID controller. Manual, the relay output has an On/Off ratio as set in the PI Manual setting. 读/写 枚举 0
ePWMFreqModeRelayD 41A9 Auto, the relay output works as a PID controller. Manual, the relay output has an On/Off ratio as set in the PI Manual setting. 读/写 枚举 0
iPWMFreqIntegralRelayA 41FD Sets the integral part of the PID controller. 读/写 无符号 0
iPWMFreqIntegralRelayB 41FE Sets the integral part of the PID controller. 读/写 无符号 0
iPWMFreqIntegralRelayC 41FF Sets the integral part of the PID controller. 读/写 无符号 0
iPWMFreqIntegralRelayD 4200 Sets the integral part of the PID controller. 读/写 无符号 0
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类