Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
iDiscreteInput1OffDelay | 424C | DI 1 Off Delay (0-999) | The delay in seconds before the Input goes Inactive. | R/W | Unsigned | 1024 |
iDiscreteInput2OffDelay | 424D | DI 2 Off Delay (0-999) | The delay in seconds before the Input goes Inactive. | R/W | Unsigned | 1024 |
iDiscreteInput3OffDelay | 424E | DI 3 Off Delay (0-999) | The delay in seconds before the Input goes Inactive. | R/W | Unsigned | 1024 |
iOneLowUnsignedLongIntegerIndexSC200 | 4251 | R/W | Index | 4096 | ||
iNetworkModuleGoodMsg | 4253 | Net Mod Good Msg | Number of good messages on the network module. | R | Unsigned | 1 |
iOneHighUnsignedLongIntegerIndexSC200 | 4255 | R/W | Index | 4096 | ||
iNetworkModuleStatsBadMsg | 4257 | Net Mod Bad Msg | Number of bad messages on the Network Card Port. | R | Unsigned | 1 |
iServicePortStatsGoodMsg | 4258 | Svc Port Good Msg | Number of good messages on the Service Port. | R | Unsigned | 1 |
iServicePortStatsBadMsg | 4259 | Svc Port Bad Msg | Number of bad messages on the Service Port. | R | Unsigned | 1 |
iPort1StatsGoodMsg | 425A | Port 1 Good Msg | Number of good messages on Port 1. | R | Unsigned | 1 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |