Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ePIDMode2 4164 PID Mode Output 2 Auto/Manual mode selection for Output 2. R/W Enum 0
ePIDPhase1 416F Phase Output 1 Direct/Reverse phase selection Output 1. R/W Enum 0
ePIDPhase2 4170 Phase Output 2 Direct/Reverse phase selection Output 2. R/W Enum 0
iPIDIntegralTime1 4171 PID Integral Out 1 Integral time in seconds Output 1. R/W Unsigned 0
iPIDIntegralTime2 4172 PID Integral Out 2 Integral time in seconds Output 2. R/W Unsigned 0
iPIDDerivativeTime1 4173 PID Derivative Out 1 Derivative time in seconds Output 1. R/W Unsigned 0
iPIDDerivativeTime2 4174 PID Derivative Out 2 Derivative time in seconds Output 2. R/W Unsigned 0
iPIDTransitTime1 4175 PID Transit Out 1 Stops all PID control for a selected period of time. R/W Unsigned 0
iPIDTransitTime2 4176 PID Transit Out 2 Stops all PID control for a selected period of time. R/W Unsigned 0
eRange1 4177 Range Output 1 Selection List of sensor ranges. R Enum 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class