Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
iOneLowFloatOutputIndexSC200 4151 R/W Index 4096
rTransferValue1 4153 Transfer Output 1 Sets the transfer value of Output 1. R/W Float 0
rTransferValue2 4154 Transfer Output 2 Sets the transfer value of Output 2. R/W Float 0
rMinSetting1 4155 LRV Output 1 Sets the minimum output value. R/W Float 0
rMinSetting2 4157 LRV Output 2 Sets the minimum output value. R/W Float 0
rMaxSetting1 4159 URV Output 1 Sets the maximum output value. R/W Float 0
rMaxSetting2 415A URV Output 2 Sets the maximum output value. R/W Float 0
rKneeValueSetting1 415B Knee Value Out 1 Bilinear knee value. R/W Float 0
rKneeValueSetting2 415C Knee Value Out 2 Bilinear knee value. R/W Float 0
rKneeCurrentSetting1 415D Knee Current Out 1 Bilinear knee current in percent. R/W Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class