Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
iCalibrationDays | 4043 | Days Since Last Cal. | Number of days since the last calibration. | R | Unsigned | 3 |
iProcessEvents | 4046 | Process Events | Process Event Flags. | R | Enum | 2050 |
iOneLowStringIndex | 4048 | R/W | Index | 4096 | ||
sSensorSerialNumber | 404A | Sensor S/N | The serial number of the attached O2 SCAV sensor. | R/W | ASCII | 2050 |
bClassifiedStatus_1 | 405A | Classified Status 1 | Status Flags for Measurements 0-3. | R | BitEnum | 3 |
bClassifiedStatus_2 | 405B | Classified Status 2 | Status Flags for Measurements 4-7. | R | BitEnum | 3 |
bClassifiedStatus_3 | 405C | Classified Status 3 | Status Flags for Measurements 8-11. | R | BitEnum | 3 |
bClassifiedStatus_4 | 405D | Classified Status 4 | Status Flags for Measurements 12-15. | R | BitEnum | 3 |
rLoop1Current | 40BF | Loop 1 Current | Schleifenstrom- Wert des Schleifenstroms so wie er vom Gerät erkannt wird. | R/W | Float | 66 |
rLoop2Current | 40C0 | Loop 2 Current | Schleifenstrom- Wert des Schleifenstroms so wie er vom Gerät erkannt wird. | R/W | Float | 66 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |