Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
eSensorStatus 4012 PV Family Status Device Family Status- Indicates additional status information on a device variable for a specific device family. R BitEnum 10
sSensorSerialNumber 4013 PV Sensor S/N Sensor Serial Number- Uniquely identifies the sensor from which the Digital Value representation or Field Device variable is primarily derived. R/W Unsigned 2048
sLocationString 4029 Location String Location or Name of Sensor. R/W ASCII 2048
iApplicationCodeVersion 402C Appl. Code Ver. Application Code Version times 100. R Unsigned 2048
iBootCodeVersion 402D Boot Code Ver. Boot Code Version times 100. R Unsigned 2048
sSerialNumber 402F Serial Number Sensor serial number. R ASCII 2048
iOneLowFloatIndex 4031 R/W Index 4096
rTurbidityFNUValue 4033 Turbidity The measured value of the Turbidity. R Float 3
rTurbidityNTUValue 4036 Turbidity The measured value of the Turbidity. R Float 3
rTurbidityTEFValue 4037 Turbidity The measured value of the Turbidity. R Float 3
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class