名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
eFailSafeModeRelayB 416A Fail Safe Mode B Fail Safe Mode 'ON' implies the relay is energized in the non-alarm state. 读/写 枚举 0
eFailSafeModeRelayC 416B Fail Safe Mode C Fail Safe Mode 'ON' implies the relay is energized in the non-alarm state. 读/写 枚举 0
eFailSafeModeRelayD 416C Fail Safe Mode D Fail Safe Mode 'ON' implies the relay is energized in the non-alarm state. 读/写 枚举 0
iOneHighFloatIndexSC200 4177 读/写 索引 4096
rNetworkPortPercentGoodMsg 4179 Net Port % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on the Network Card Port. 浮点 2049
rServicePortPercentGoodMsg 417A Svc Port % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on the Service Port. 浮点 2049
rPort1PercentGoodMsg 417B Port 1 % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on Port 1. 浮点 2049
rPort2PercentGoodMsg 417C Port 2 % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on Port 2. 浮点 2049
rPort3PercentGoodMsg 417D Port 3 % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on Port 3. 浮点 2049
rPort4PercentGoodMsg 417E Port 4 % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on Port 4. 浮点 2049
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类