Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
iAlarmOnDelayRelayB 4132 Alarm On Delay B Turn on time delay for Relay B. R/W Unsigned 0
iAlarmOnDelayRelayC 4133 Alarm On Delay C Turn on time delay for Relay C. R/W Unsigned 0
iAlarmOnDelayRelayD 4134 Alarm On Delay D Turn on time delay for Relay D. R/W Unsigned 0
iAlarmOffDelayRelayA 4135 Alarm Off Delay A Turn off time delay for Relay A. R/W Unsigned 0
iAlarmOffDelayRelayB 4136 Alarm Off Delay B Turn off time delay for Relay B. R/W Unsigned 0
iAlarmOffDelayRelayC 4137 Alarm Off Delay C Turn off time delay for Relay C. R/W Unsigned 0
iAlarmOffDelayRelayD 4138 Alarm Off Delay D Turn off time delay for Relay D. R/W Unsigned 0
ePhaseControlRelayA 4139 Phase Control A Select direct/reverse for Relay A. R/W Enum 0
ePhaseControlRelayB 413A Phase Control B Select direct/reverse for Relay B. R/W Enum 0
ePhaseControlRelayC 413B Phase Control C Select direct/reverse for Relay C. R/W Enum 0
ePhaseControlRelayD 413C Phase Control D Select direct/reverse for Relay D. R/W Enum 0
iOverfeedTimerRelayA 413D Overfeed Timer A Sets a time period for de-activating an active relay if the process setpoint cannot be reached. Once an overfeed alarm is present, it must be manually reset. R/W Unsigned 0
iOverfeedTimerRelayB 413E Overfeed Timer B Sets a time period for de-activating an active relay if the process setpoint cannot be reached. Once an overfeed alarm is present, it must be manually reset. R/W Unsigned 0
iOverfeedTimerRelayC 413F Overfeed Timer C Sets a time period for de-activating an active relay if the process setpoint cannot be reached. Once an overfeed alarm is present, it must be manually reset. R/W Unsigned 0
iOverfeedTimerRelayD 4140 Overfeed Timer D Sets a time period for de-activating an active relay if the process setpoint cannot be reached. Once an overfeed alarm is present, it must be manually reset. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnDelayControlRelayA 4141 On Delay A Sets a delay time for the relay to turn on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnDelayControlRelayB 4142 On Delay B Sets a delay time for the relay to turn on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnDelayControlRelayC 4143 On Delay C Sets a delay time for the relay to turn on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnDelayControlRelayD 4144 On Delay D Sets a delay time for the relay to turn on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffDelayControlRelayA 4145 Off Delay A Sets a delay time for the relay to turn off. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffDelayControlRelayB 4146 Off Delay B Sets a delay time for the relay to turn off. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffDelayControlRelayC 4147 Off Delay C Sets a delay time for the relay to turn off. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffDelayControlRelayD 4148 Off Delay D Sets a delay time for the relay to turn off. R/W Unsigned 0
eResetOverfeedTimerRelayA 4149 Reset Overfeed Timer A Resets the Overfeed Timer for Relay A R/W Enum 0
eResetOverfeedTimerRelayB 414A Reset Overfeed Timer B Resets the Overfeed Timer for Relay B R/W Enum 0
eResetOverfeedTimerRelayC 414B Reset Overfeed Timer C Resets the Overfeed Timer for Relay C R/W Enum 0
eResetOverfeedTimerRelayD 414C Reset Overfeed Timer D Resets the Overfeed Timer for Relay D R/W Enum 0
iOnMaxTimeEventRelayA 414D Max On Time A Sets the maximum time the relay can remain on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnMaxTimeEventRelayB 414E Max On Time B Sets the maximum time the relay can remain on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnMaxTimeEventRelayC 414F Max On Time C Sets the maximum time the relay can remain on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnMaxTimeEventRelayD 4150 Max On Time D Sets the maximum time the relay can remain on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnMinTimeEventRelayA 4151 Min On Time A Sets the time the relay will remain on independent from the measured value. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnMinTimeEventRelayB 4152 Min On Time B Sets the time the relay will remain on independent from the measured value. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnMinTimeEventRelayC 4153 Min On Time C Sets the time the relay will remain on independent from the measured value. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnMinTimeEventRelayD 4154 Min On Time D Sets the time the relay will remain on independent from the measured value. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffMaxTimeEventRelayA 4155 Max Off Time A Sets the maximum time the relay can remain off. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffMaxTimeEventRelayB 4156 Max Off Time B Sets the maximum time the relay can remain off. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffMaxTimeEventRelayC 4157 Max Off Time C Sets the maximum time the relay can remain off. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffMaxTimeEventRelayD 4158 Max Off Time D Sets the maximum time the relay can remain off. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffMinTimeEventRelayA 4159 Min Off Time A Sets the time the relay will remain off independent from the measured value. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffMinTimeEventRelayB 415A Min Off Time B Sets the time the relay will remain off independent from the measured value. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffMinTimeEventRelayC 415B Min Off Time C Sets the time the relay will remain off independent from the measured value. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffMinTimeEventRelayD 415C Min Off Time D Sets the time the relay will remain off independent from the measured value. R/W Unsigned 0
iWarningLevelStatusRelayA 415D Warning Level A Sets the level for device warning activation. R/W Unsigned 0
iWarningLevelStatusRelayB 415E Warning Level B Sets the level for device warning activation. R/W Unsigned 0
iWarningLevelStatusRelayC 415F Warning Level C Sets the level for device warning activation. R/W Unsigned 0
iWarningLevelStatusRelayD 4160 Warning Level D Sets the level for device warning activation. R/W Unsigned 0
ePWMFreqModeRelayA 4107 Auto, the relay output works as a PID controller. Manual, the relay output has an On/Off ratio as set in the PI Manual setting. R/W Enum 0
ePWMFreqModeRelayB 4109 Auto, the relay output works as a PID controller. Manual, the relay output has an On/Off ratio as set in the PI Manual setting. R/W Enum 0
ePWMFreqModeRelayC 410B Auto, the relay output works as a PID controller. Manual, the relay output has an On/Off ratio as set in the PI Manual setting. R/W Enum 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class