Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
rDeadbandControlD 40FD Sets the Controller Deadband/Proportional Band for Relay D. R/W Float 0
rSetpointEventA 40FE Setpoint Event A Sets the Event Controller Setpoint for Relay A. R/W Float 0
rSetpointEventB 40FF Setpoint Event B Sets the Event Controller Setpoint for Relay B. R/W Float 0
rSetpointEventC 4100 Setpoint Event C Sets the Event Controller Setpoint for Relay C. R/W Float 0
rSetpointEventD 4101 Setpoint Event D Sets the Event Controller Setpoint for Relay D. R/W Float 0
rDeadbandEventA 4102 Sets the Controller Deadband/Dead Zone for Relay B. Deadband is a hysteresis so the relay will not swing unregulated when the process value converges to the setpoint. Dead Zone is a band around the setpoint. In this band the controller does not change the output signal. R/W Float 0
rDeadbandEventB 4103 Sets the Controller Deadband/Dead Zone for Relay B. Deadband is a hysteresis so the relay will not swing unregulated when the process value converges to the setpoint. Dead Zone is a band around the setpoint. In this band the controller does not change the output signal R/W Float 0
rDeadbandEventC 4104 Sets the Controller Deadband/Dead Zone for Relay C. Deadband is a hysteresis so the relay will not swing unregulated when the process value converges to the setpoint. Dead Zone is a band around the setpoint. In this band the controller does not change the output signal R/W Float 0
rDeadbandEventD 4105 Sets the Controller Deadband/Dead Zone for Relay D. Deadband is a hysteresis so the relay will not swing unregulated when the process value converges to the setpoint. Dead Zone is a band around the setpoint. In this band the controller does not change the output signal R/W Float 0
rPIManualPWMA 4106 Manual Value A Sets the Manual control output level (%) Relay A. R/W Float 0
rPIManualPWMB 4108 Manual Value B Sets the Manual control output level (%) Relay B. R/W Float 0
rPIManualPWMC 410A Manual Value C Sets the Manual control output level (%) Relay C. R/W Float 0
rPIManualPWMD 410C Manual Value D Sets the Manual control output level (%) Relay D. R/W Float 0
rPIPeriodPWMA 410E Sets the period/pulse width for pwm/freq control Relay A. R/W Float 0
rPIPeriodPWMB 410F Sets the period/pulse width for pwm/freq control Relay B. R/W Float 0
rPIPeriodPWMC 4110 Sets the period/pulse width for pwm/freq control Relay C. R/W Float 0
rPIPeriodPWMD 4111 Sets the period/pulse width for pwm/freq control Relay 4. R/W Float 0
rPIMinWidthPulseA 4112 Sets the minimum pulse width for PWM in seconds (0.1 to Max Pulse Width) or sets the minimum number of pulses for Frequency control (0.001 to Max Number of Pulses) for Relay A. R/W Float 0
rPIMinWidthPulseB 4114 Sets the minimum pulse width for PWM in seconds (0.1 to Max Pulse Width) or sets the minimum number of pulses for Frequency control (0.001 to Max Number of Pulses) for Relay B. R/W Float 0
rPIMinWidthPulseC 4116 Sets the minimum pulse width for PWM in seconds (0.1 to Max Pulse Width) or sets the minimum number of pulses for Frequency control (0.001 to Max Number of Pulses) for Relay C. R/W Float 0
rPIMinWidthPulseD 4118 Sets the minimum pulse width for PWM in seconds (0.1 to Max Pulse Width) or sets the minimum number of pulses for Frequency control (0.001 to Max Number of Pulses) for Relay D. R/W Float 0
rPIMaxWidthPulseA 4113 Sets the maximum pulse width for PWM in seconds (Min Pulse Width to Period) or sets the maximum number of pulses for Frequency control (Min Number of Pulses to 60 ) for Relay A. R/W Float 0
rPIMaxWidthPulseB 4115 Sets the maximum pulse width for PWM in seconds (Min Pulse Width to Period) or sets the maximum number of pulses for Frequency control (Min Number of Pulses to 60 ) for Relay B. R/W Float 0
rPIMaxWidthPulseC 4117 Sets the maximum pulse width for PWM in seconds (Min Pulse Width to Period) or sets the maximum number of pulses for Frequency control (Min Number of Pulses to 60 ) for Relay C. R/W Float 0
rPIMaxWidthPulseD 4119 Sets the maximum pulse width for PWM in seconds (Min Pulse Width to Period) or sets the maximum number of pulses for Frequency control (Min Number of Pulses to 60 ) for Relay D. R/W Float 0
rCalculatedValue 411A Calculated Value sc200 Calculated Value R Float 10
iOneLowUnsignedIntegerIndexSC200 411E R/W Index 4096
eLanguage 4120 Language sc200 language selection list. R/W Enum 256
eDateFormat 4121 Date Format sc200 Date Format. R/W Enum 256
iDisplayContrast 4122 Display Contrast sc200 Display Contrast, 1 to 9. R/W Unsigned 256
eCalculationLogMode 4123 Calc Log Mode sc200 Calculated Value logging mode R/W Enum 16
eCalculationLogInterval 4124 Calc Log Interval sc200 Calculated Value logging interval R/W Enum 16
eCalculationMathFormula 411B Calc Math Formula The formula selection for the Calculated Value. R Enum 16
iDiscreteInput1 4125 Discrete Input 1 Input State 1 R Unsigned 1024
iDiscreteInput2 4126 Discrete Input 2 Input State 2 R Unsigned 1024
iDiscreteInput3 4127 Discrete Input 3 Input State 3 R Unsigned 1024
eModbusStatsClear 4128 Modbus Stats Clear Clears statistics for Modbus communication. R/W Enum 1
eMeasurementSelectRelayA 4129 Measurement A Measurement selection list for Relay A. R Enum 0
eMeasurementSelectRelayB 412A Measurement B Measurement selection list for Relay B. R Enum 0
eMeasurementSelectRelayC 412B Measurement C Measurement selection list for Relay C. R Enum 0
eMeasurementSelectRelayD 412C Measurement D Measurement selection list for Relay D. R Enum 0
eTypeRelayA 40E0 Type A Type selection list for Relay A. R/W Enum 0
eTypeRelayB 40E3 Type B Type selection list for Relay B. R/W Enum 0
eTypeRelayC 40E6 Type C Type selection list for Relay C. R/W Enum 0
eTypeRelayD 40E9 Type D Type selection list for Relay D. R/W Enum 0
eTransferSettingRelayA 412D Transfer Set A State selection for Relay A. R/W Enum 0
eTransferSettingRelayB 412E Transfer Set B State selection for Relay B. R/W Enum 0
eTransferSettingRelayC 412F Transfer Set C State selection for Relay C. R/W Enum 0
eTransferSettingRelayD 4130 Transfer Set D State selection for Relay D. R/W Enum 0
iAlarmOnDelayRelayA 4131 Alarm On Delay A Turn on time delay for Relay A. R/W Unsigned 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class