Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
bClassifiedStatus_1 406B Classified Status 1 Status Flags for Measurements 0-3. R BitEnum 3
bClassifiedStatus_2 406C Classified Status 2 Status Flags for Measurements 4-7. R BitEnum 3
bClassifiedStatus_3 406D Classified Status 3 Status Flags for Measurements 8-11. R BitEnum 3
bClassifiedStatus_4 406E Classified Status 4 Status Flags for Measurements 12-15. R BitEnum 3
sLocationStringSC200 40A5 Location sc200 name or location. R/W ASCII 2048
iApplicationCodeVersionSC200 40A8 Appl. Code Ver. Application Code Version. R Unsigned 2048
iBootCodeVersionSC200 40A9 Boot Code Ver. Boot Code Version. R Unsigned 2048
sSerialNumberSC200 40AA Serial Number sc200 controller serial number. R ASCII 2048
bDeviceWarningsSC200 40AC Device Warnings sc200 controller device warning flags. R BitEnum 2051
bDeviceErrorsSC200 40AD Device Errors sc200 controller device error flags. R BitEnum 2051
iOneLowFloatOutputIndexSC200 40AF R/W Index 4096
rTransferValue1 40B1 Transfer Output 1 Sets the transfer value of Output 1. R/W Float 0
rTransferValue2 40B3 Transfer Output 2 Sets the transfer value of Output 2. R/W Float 0
rMinSetting1 40B5 LRV Output 1 Sets the minimum output value. R/W Float 0
rMinSetting2 40B7 LRV Output 2 Sets the minimum output value. R/W Float 0
rMaxSetting1 40B9 URV Output 1 Sets the maximum output value. R/W Float 0
rMaxSetting2 40BA URV Output 2 Sets the maximum output value. R/W Float 0
rKneeValueSetting1 40BB Knee Value Out 1 Bilinear knee value. R/W Float 0
rKneeValueSetting2 40BC Knee Value Out 2 Bilinear knee value. R/W Float 0
rKneeCurrentSetting1 40BD Knee Current Out 1 Bilinear knee current in percent. R/W Float 0
rKneeCurrentSetting2 40BE Knee Current Out 2 Bilinear knee current in percent. R/W Float 0
r50PercentLogSetting1 40BF 50% Log Output 1 Log 50% setting. R/W Float 0
r50PercentLogSetting2 40C0 50% Log Output 2 Log 50% setting. R/W Float 0
rPIDManualSet1 40C1 PID Man Set Out 1 Sets the PID manual output value (0.0 to 100.0 %). R/W Float 0
rPIDManualSet2 40C3 PID Man Set Out 2 Sets the PID manual output value (0.0 to 100.0 %). R/W Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class