Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
rPIManualPWMB 4108 Manual Value B Sets the Manual control output level (%) Relay B. R/W Float 0
rPIManualPWMC 410A Manual Value C Sets the Manual control output level (%) Relay C. R/W Float 0
rPIManualPWMD 410C Manual Value D Sets the Manual control output level (%) Relay D. R/W Float 0
rPIPeriodPWMA 410E Sets the period/pulse width for pwm/freq control Relay A. R/W Float 0
rPIPeriodPWMB 410F Sets the period/pulse width for pwm/freq control Relay B. R/W Float 0
rPIPeriodPWMC 4110 Sets the period/pulse width for pwm/freq control Relay C. R/W Float 0
rPIPeriodPWMD 4111 Sets the period/pulse width for pwm/freq control Relay 4. R/W Float 0
rPIMinWidthPulseA 4112 Sets the minimum pulse width for PWM in seconds (0.1 to Max Pulse Width) or sets the minimum number of pulses for Frequency control (0.001 to Max Number of Pulses) for Relay A. R/W Float 0
rPIMinWidthPulseB 4114 Sets the minimum pulse width for PWM in seconds (0.1 to Max Pulse Width) or sets the minimum number of pulses for Frequency control (0.001 to Max Number of Pulses) for Relay B. R/W Float 0
rPIMinWidthPulseC 4116 Sets the minimum pulse width for PWM in seconds (0.1 to Max Pulse Width) or sets the minimum number of pulses for Frequency control (0.001 to Max Number of Pulses) for Relay C. R/W Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class