Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
burst_trigger_classification 1266 Burst Trigger Class R/W Enum 16
burst_mode_select 0FFF Burst mode Burst Mode Select- Selects the mode for the Burst Mode functionality. If Burst is enabled the Field Device will generate HART messages on the Link without individual requests from the Host. R/W Enum 128
burst_message_trigger_mode 08D8 Burst Msg Trigger Mode R/W Enum 128
event_status 08D9 Event Status R BitEnum 130
event_notification_control_n 08DA Event Notification Control R/W Enum 128
dev_operating_mode_mask 08F9 Operate mode Mask R/W BitEnum 2048
lock_device_code 106F Lock dev code Blocca codice dispositivo - Indica se il dispositivo è stato posizionato in una posizione bloccata per evitare che vengano applicate eventuali modifiche manualmente o da un altro master. W Enum 2048
lock_device_status_code 1070 Lock dev status Blocca codice dispositivo - Indica se il dispositivo è stato posizionato in una posizione bloccata per evitare che vengano applicate eventuali modifiche manualmente o da un altro master. R BitEnum 2048
power_source 36CC Power Source Power source of the device R Enum 128
wireless_mode 36BB Wireless Mode R Enum 2050
join_status 36BC Join Status The current location in the joining sequence of operations. R BitEnum 2050
network_access_mode 36E4 Network Access Mode R/W Enum 128
join_mode 36C3 Join Mode R/W Enum 128
device_power_status 36DB Power Status Power status of the device R Enum 2050
master_mode 1091 Master Mode This sets the I/O System's Data Link Layer operation on all channels as either primary or secondary master mode. R/W Enum 128
trend_digital_units 1166 Trend Units Trend Device Variable Unit Code R Enum 2052
trend_classification 1165 Trend Classification Trend Device Variable Classification R Enum 2052
trend_control 1163 Trend Control R/W Enum 132
uint16_var_blk_char 8000FF05 uint16_var_blk_char R/W Unsigned 32
uint8_var_blk_char 8000FF04 uint8_var_blk_char R/W Unsigned 32
manufacturer_id 0099 Produttore Codice identificazione produttore - Si riferisce ad un produttore specifico, solitamente il nome di una società, che è responsabile della produzione del dispositivo di campo. R Enum 128
private_label_distributor 00A8 Distributore Private Label Distributor- References the company that is responsible for the distribution of this Field Device to customers R Enum 2048
device_type 009A Model Model- References the type of Field Device, usually an advertised model number, that is unique to a single manufacturer R Enum 128
device_status_mask 08DB Device Status Mask R/W BitEnum 2048
extended_fld_device_status_mask 08DC Ext dev status Mask R/W BitEnum 2048
standardized_status_0_mask 08DD Device Diagnostic Status 0 Mask R/W BitEnum 2048
standardized_status_1_mask 08DE Device Diagnostic Status 1 Mask R/W BitEnum 2048
standardized_status_2_mask 08DF Device Diagnostic Status 2 Mask R/W BitEnum 2048
standardized_status_3_mask 08E0 Device Diagnostic Status 3 Mask R/W BitEnum 2048
analog_channel_saturated1_mask 08E1 AO saturated Mask R/W BitEnum 2048
analog_channel_fixed1_mask 08E2 AO fixed Mask R/W BitEnum 2048
device_status_latched_value 08E3 Latched Device Status W BitEnum 2049
extended_fld_device_status_latched_value 08E4 Latched Ext dev status W BitEnum 2049
dev_operating_mode_latched_value 08FA Latched Operate Mode W Enum 2049
standardized_status_0_latched_value 08E5 Latched Device Diagnostic Status 0 W BitEnum 2049
standardized_status_1_latched_value 08E6 Latched Device Diagnostic Status 1 W BitEnum 2049
standardized_status_2_latched_value 08E7 Latched Device Diagnostic Status 2 W BitEnum 2049
standardized_status_3_latched_value 08E8 Latched Device Diagnostic Status 3 W BitEnum 2049
analog_channel_saturated1_latched_value 08E9 Latched AO saturated W BitEnum 2049
analog_channel_fixed1_latched_value 08EA Latched AO fixed W BitEnum 2049
wireless_module_device_type 36EA Wireless Module Device Type Device type of the Wireless Radio R Enum 128
wireless_module_manufacturer_id 36EB Wireless Module Manufacturer ID Manufacturer of the Wireless Radio contained in this device R Enum 128
subdev_expanded_device_type 12B1 Subdevice Device Type Device type of the subdevice attached to this system. R Enum 128
subdev_manufacturer_id 12B0 Subdevice Manufacturer Id Manufacturer of the subdevice attached to this system. R Enum 128
response_code 0096 Response code Command Specific Response Code- Data that is returned in the Field Device response, that indicates the relative success of the Command sent in the Host request. This information may relate to the Data of the Host request or to the command itself. R Enum 129
comm_status 0098 Communication status Communications Error Summary- The Field Device has detected the following error condition while attempting to receive the Host request. Therefore the Command was not accepted, and the Host request caused no change to occur in the Field Device. R BitEnum 131
request_preambles 009B Num req preams Number of Request Preambles- Number of Preambles required from the Host request by the Field Device R Unsigned 128
universal_revision 009C Universal rev Universal Revision- Revision of the Universal Device Description, that the Field Device conforms to R Unsigned 128
transmitter_revision 009D Fld dev rev Field Device Revision- Revision of the Field Device Specific Device Description, that the Field Device conforms to R Unsigned 128
software_revision 009E Software rev Field Device Software Revision- This revision corresponds to the software or firmware, that is embedded in the Field Device R Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class