Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
ePWMFreqModeRelayD 410D Auto, the relay output works as a PID controller. Manual, the relay output has an On/Off ratio as set in the PI Manual setting. R/W Enum 0
iPWMFreqIntegralRelayA 4161 Sets the integral part of the PID controller. R/W Unsigned 0
iPWMFreqIntegralRelayB 4162 Sets the integral part of the PID controller. R/W Unsigned 0
iPWMFreqIntegralRelayC 4163 Sets the integral part of the PID controller. R/W Unsigned 0
iPWMFreqIntegralRelayD 4164 Sets the integral part of the PID controller. R/W Unsigned 0
eRangeRelayA 4165 Range A Selection List of sensor ranges. R Enum 0
eRangeRelayB 4166 Range B Selection List of sensor ranges. R Enum 0
eRangeRelayC 4167 Range C Selection List of sensor ranges. R Enum 0
eRangeRelayD 4168 Range D Selection List of sensor ranges. R Enum 0
eFailSafeModeRelayA 4169 Fail Safe Mode A Fail Safe Mode 'ON' implies the relay is energized in the non-alarm state. R/W Enum 0
eFailSafeModeRelayB 416A Fail Safe Mode B Fail Safe Mode 'ON' implies the relay is energized in the non-alarm state. R/W Enum 0
eFailSafeModeRelayC 416B Fail Safe Mode C Fail Safe Mode 'ON' implies the relay is energized in the non-alarm state. R/W Enum 0
eFailSafeModeRelayD 416C Fail Safe Mode D Fail Safe Mode 'ON' implies the relay is energized in the non-alarm state. R/W Enum 0
iOneHighFloatIndexSC200 4177 R/W Index 4096
rNetworkPortPercentGoodMsg 4179 Net Port % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on the Network Card Port. R Float 2049
rServicePortPercentGoodMsg 417A Svc Port % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on the Service Port. R Float 2049
rPort1PercentGoodMsg 417B Port 1 % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on Port 1. R Float 2049
rPort2PercentGoodMsg 417C Port 2 % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on Port 2. R Float 2049
rPort3PercentGoodMsg 417D Port 3 % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on Port 3. R Float 2049
rPort4PercentGoodMsg 417E Port 4 % Good Msg Percentage of good messages on Port 4. R Float 2049
rTestTemperature 417F Current Temperature Internal temperature of the sc200. R Float 9
rTest12V 4180 12V Supply Voltage Measured value of the sc200 12 volt supply. R Float 2049
rTest3V3Current 4181 3.3V Supply Current Total 3.3V Supply current (A). R Float 2049
rTest12VCurrent 4182 12V Supply Current Total 12V Supply current (A). R Float 2049
rTestPort3Current 4183 Port 3 Supply Current Smart Sensor 1 - 12V Supply current (A). R Float 2049
rTestPort4Current 4184 Port 4 Supply Current Smart Sensor 2 - 12V Supply current (A). R Float 2049
rTestPort1Current 4185 Port 1 Supply Current Analog Sensor 1 - 12V Supply current (A). R Float 2049
rTestPort2Current 4186 Port 2 Supply Current Analog Sensor 2 - 12V Supply current (A). R Float 2049
rMaxTemperature 4187 Max Temperature The daily maximum sc200 internal temperature in C. R Float 9
rMinTemperature 4188 Min Temperature The daily minimum sc200 internal temperature in C. R Float 9
rTest12VGround 4189 12V Ground Potential The measured voltage between A/D common and the 12 volt supply ground. R Float 5
rTestOutput1Value 418A Output 1 Value Display or Set level on Output 1. R/W Float 5
rTestOutput2Value 418B Output 2 Value Display or Set level on Output 2. R/W Float 5
iOneHighUnsignedIntegerIndexSC200 418F R/W Index 4096
eClearEventLogs 4191 R/W Enum 0
eClearDataLogs 4192 R/W Enum 0
bNetworkError 4193 Network Errors Sensor communication error flags. R BitEnum 2051
bNetworkStatus 4194 Network Status Sensor communication and relay status. R BitEnum 2051
eSetDefaults 4195 R/W Enum 0
eTestOutputEnable1 4196 Test Enable Out 1 Enables test of Output 1. R/W Enum 4
eTestOutputEnable2 4197 Test Enable Out 2 Enables test of Output 2. R/W Enum 4
iCalibrateOutput4mA1 4198 Cal 4 mA Out 1 Calibration counts for 4 mA Output 1. R Unsigned 4
iCalibrateOutput4mA2 4199 Cal 4 mA Out 2 Calibration counts for 4 mA Output 2. R Unsigned 4
iCalibrateOutput20mA1 419A Cal 20 mA Out 1 Calibration counts for 20 mA Output 1. R Unsigned 4
iCalibrateOutput20mA2 419B Cal 20 mA Out 2 Calibration counts for 20 mA Output 2. R Unsigned 4
eTestRelayEnableA 419C Test Relay A Enable Enables test of Relay A. R/W Enum 4
eTestRelayEnableB 419D Test Relay B Enable Enables test of Relay B. R/W Enum 4
eTestRelayEnableC 419E Test Relay C Enable Enables test of Relay C. R/W Enum 4
eTestRelayEnableD 419F Test Relay D Enable Enables test of Relay D. R/W Enum 4
eTestRelayValueA 41A0 Test Relay A Value Sets the test state for Relay A. R/W Enum 4
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class