Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
rSignalLED_S5E3 4043 Signal LED S5E3 For information only. R Float 1
rSignalLED_S6E1 4044 Signal LED S6E1 For information only. R Float 1
rSignalLED_S6E3 4045 Signal LED S6E3 For information only. R Float 1
rSignalLED_S5E2 4046 Signal LED S5E2 For information only. R Float 1
rSignalLED_S5E4 4047 Signal LED S5E4 For information only. R Float 1
rSignalLED_S6E2 4048 Signal LED S6E2 For information only. R Float 1
rSignalLED_S6E4 4049 Signal LED S6E4 For information only. R Float 1
rTurbCalPoint1 404A Turb Cal Point 1 Turbidity Calibration Point 1. R Float 1
rTurbCalPoint2 404B Turb Cal Point 2 Turbidity Calibration Point 2. R Float 1
rTurbCalPoint3 404C Turb Cal Point 3 Turbidity Calibration Point 3. R Float 1
rSolidsCalPoint1 404D Solids Cal Point 1 Solids Calibration Point 1. R Float 1
rSolidsCalPoint2 404E Solids Cal Point 2 Solids Calibration Point 2. R Float 1
rSolidsCalPoint3 404F Solids Cal Point 3 Solids Calibration Point 3. R Float 1
iOneLowUnsignedIntegerIndex 4051 R/W Index 4096
eSetParameter 4034 Parameter TSS sensor parameter selection. R Enum 8
eHachUnitsTurbidity 4035 Displayed Turb Unit Sets the turbidity measurement unit displayed on the local controller. R/W Enum 8
eHachUnitsSolids 403B Displayed Solids Unit Sets the solids measurement unit displayed on the local controller. R/W Enum 8
iResponseTime 4053 Response Time Response time constant applied to the measured value. R/W Unsigned 8
eDataLogInterval 4054 Sensor Daten Log Interval Sets the interval at which data will be written to the sensor data log. R/W Enum 2048
eOutputModeCalibration 4055 Calibration Output Mode Sets the calibration output mode. R/W Enum 2048
eOutputModeService 4056 Service Output Mode Sets the service output mode. R/W Enum 2048
iWiperCounter 4057 Wiper Time Wiper Counter counts 20,000 backwards. R Unsigned 1
eProductName 4058 Product Name The name of the product. R Enum 1
eModelNumber 4059 Model Number The Model Number of the sensor. R Enum 1
iProcessEvents 405C Process Events Process Event Flags. R Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class