Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
bClassifiedStatus_1 4063 Classified Status 1 Status Flags for Measurements 0-3. R BitEnum 3
bClassifiedStatus_2 4064 Classified Status 2 Status Flags for Measurements 4-7. R BitEnum 3
bClassifiedStatus_3 4065 Classified Status 3 Status Flags for Measurements 8-11. R BitEnum 3
bClassifiedStatus_4 4066 Classified Status 4 Status Flags for Measurements 12-15. R BitEnum 3
rLoop1Current 40C9 Loop 1 Current Loop Current- Loop current value as perceived by the device. R/W Float 66
rLoop2Current 40CA Loop 2 Current Loop Current- Loop current value as perceived by the device. R/W Float 66
rLoopACurrent 40C2 Loop A Current Loop Current- Loop current value as perceived by the device. R/W Float 66
eLoopAAlarmCode 40C3 Alarm A Select Analog Output Alarm Type- Defines how the Analog Output will respond when the Field Device detects that the Analog Output may not be tracking the associated Field Device Variable. NOTE- The Digital Value representation may not be determinate. R Enum 64
bLoopAFlags 40C4 Loop A Flags Analog Channel Flags- Defines the characteristics of the Analog Channel R/W BitEnum 64
rLoopBCurrent 40C5 Loop B Current Loop Current- Loop current value as perceived by the device. R/W Float 66
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class