Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
iSignalAverage | 404B | Signal Avg. | Signal average applied to the measured value. | R/W | Unsigned | 10 |
eHACHPressureAndAltitudeUnits | 4039 | Pressure/Altitude Units | Units of pressure/altitude selection. | R/W | Enum | 2050 |
eHACHMeasurementUnits | 4013 | Measurement Units | Units of Dissolved Oxygen selection. | R/W | Enum | 2050 |
eLogInterval | 404C | Log Interval | The interval at which data will be written to the sensor data log. | R/W | Enum | 2050 |
iCleanInterval | 404D | Cleaning Interval | The interval for the sensor cleaning in days. | R/W | Unsigned | 10 |
iSensorLife | 404E | Sensor Life | The number of days until the next scheduled sensor cap replacement. | R | Unsigned | 3 |
iDaysToClean | 404F | Days to Clean | The number of days until the next scheduled cleaning. | R | Unsigned | 3 |
iSensorCode | 4050 | Cap Lot Code | The Lot Code for the sensor cap. | R | Unsigned | 1 |
iDriverVersion | 4051 | Driver Version | The sensor Device Driver Version. | R | Unsigned | 1 |
iProcessEvents | 4054 | Process Events | Process Event Flags. | R | Enum | 2050 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |