Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
rPort4PercentGoodMsg | 4224 | Port 4 % Good Msg | Percentage of good messages on Port 4. | R | Float | 2049 |
rTestTemperature | 4225 | Current Temperature | Internal temperature of the sc200. | R | Float | 9 |
rTest12V | 4226 | 12V Supply Voltage | Measured value of the sc200 12 volt supply. | R | Float | 2049 |
rTest3V3Current | 4227 | 3.3V Supply Current | Total 3.3V Supply current (A). | R | Float | 2049 |
rTest12VCurrent | 4228 | 12V Supply Current | Total 12V Supply current (A). | R | Float | 2049 |
rTestPort3Current | 4229 | Port 3 Supply Current | Smart Sensor 1 - 12V Supply current (A). | R | Float | 2049 |
rTestPort4Current | 422A | Port 4 Supply Current | Smart Sensor 2 - 12V Supply current (A). | R | Float | 2049 |
rTestPort1Current | 422B | Port 1 Supply Current | Analog Sensor 1 - 12V Supply current (A). | R | Float | 2049 |
rTestPort2Current | 422C | Port 2 Supply Current | Analog Sensor 2 - 12V Supply current (A). | R | Float | 2049 |
rMaxTemperature | 422D | Max Temperature | The daily maximum sc200 internal temperature in C. | R | Float | 9 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |