Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
iOffDelayControlRelayA 41EB Off Delay A Sets a delay time for the relay to turn off. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffDelayControlRelayB 41EC Off Delay B Sets a delay time for the relay to turn off. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffDelayControlRelayC 41ED Off Delay C Sets a delay time for the relay to turn off. R/W Unsigned 0
iOffDelayControlRelayD 41EE Off Delay D Sets a delay time for the relay to turn off. R/W Unsigned 0
eResetOverfeedTimerRelayA 41EF Reset Overfeed Timer A Resets the Overfeed Timer for Relay A R/W Enum 0
eResetOverfeedTimerRelayB 41F0 Reset Overfeed Timer B Resets the Overfeed Timer for Relay B R/W Enum 0
eResetOverfeedTimerRelayC 41F1 Reset Overfeed Timer C Resets the Overfeed Timer for Relay C R/W Enum 0
eResetOverfeedTimerRelayD 41F2 Reset Overfeed Timer D Resets the Overfeed Timer for Relay D R/W Enum 0
iOnMaxTimeEventRelayA 41F3 Max On Time A Sets the maximum time the relay can remain on. R/W Unsigned 0
iOnMaxTimeEventRelayB 41F4 Max On Time B Sets the maximum time the relay can remain on. R/W Unsigned 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class