Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
DeviceMode_quality 4170 DeviceMode Quality R Enum 10
cActuatorFamily 4172 Act. Dev fmly Device Family- Indicates the family (i.e, pressure, temperature, flow, etc.) that the device variable belongs. R Enum 2048
cPositionPDQ 4173 Position PDQ R Enum 10
cValvePosLS 4174 Valve Pos. Limited Status Limit Status- Indicates whether the device variable is limited (i.e., not responding to a process). R Enum 10
cActuatorFamilyStatus 4175 Act. Fmly stat Device Family Status- Indicates additional status information on a device variable for a specific device family. R BitEnum 10
SV_PDQ 4176 Net Pressure PDQ R Enum 10
TV_PDQ 4177 Supply Pressure PDQ R Enum 10
QV_PDQ 4178 P2 Pressure PDQ R Enum 10
cNetPressLS 4179 Net Pres. LS Limit Status- Indicates whether the device variable is limited (i.e., not responding to a process). R Enum 10
cSupplyPressLS 417A Pres LS Limit Status- Indicates whether the device variable is limited (i.e., not responding to a process). R Enum 10
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class