名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
cStopLowHighFlag 409C bFlag 整型 8
nP 4055 P Proportional gain in %.Common values are 50 for small valves up to 4000 for large valves.Must be between 0 and 5000. 读/写 无符号 8
nI 4056 I Integral time or reset time in 1/10 s. Higher values of I cause less integral action, however a value of 0 gives no integral action .Common values are 10 to 200. Values between 0 and 1000. 读/写 无符号 8
nD 4057 D Derivative time or rate time in milli_seconds.Common values are 10 to 100. Values between 0 and 200. 读/写 无符号 8
nPadj 4058 Padj Coefficient added to P when the valve is exhausting and compensates the variation in filling and exhausting speed. Can be positive or negative value range between -3000 to +3000. 读/写 整型 8
nBeta 4046 Beta Nonlinear gain factor.When beta is 0,the proportional gain is linear,otherwise the gain P is a function of error. The larger the beta,the smaller the gain for small error. Typical beta value is 7 or 8.Beta is ranging from -9 to +9. 读/写 整型 8
nDamping 4045 Damping 读/写 整型 8
nPosComp 4059 Pos.Comp. 读/写 无符号 8
nPosDB 405A Dead zone When the valve position is within the setpoint +/- the dead zone and, no additional position control is performed. This value is normally 0%.Used to avoid limit cycling for high friction valves.Range 0 to 5%. 读/写 无符号 8
fP1 4043 fP1 浮点 8
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类