名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
fP2 4044 fP2 浮点 8
nIPOutput 4084 I/P Output Set constant current on the I/P to adjust the pneumatic block. 无符号 8
nTotalTravel 406E total travel Total number of valve strokes. 整型 16
nTimeClosed 406F time closed Time in hours for valve closed. 整型 16
nTimeOpen 4070 time open Time in hours for valve open. 整型 16
nTimeNear 4071 time near closed Time in hours for valve near closed. 整型 16
nCycles 4072 nbr cycles Number of cycles (direction changes). 整型 16
cSpeed 40A3 Speed Valve speed motion for record data. Mini is 1 and maxi is 10. 读/写 整型 8
nResponseO 4073 strok. time open Fastest time to open the valve on the full stroke .This value is given from the standard diagnostic calculations. 整型 16
nResponseC 4074 strok. time close Fastest time to close the valve on the full stroke. This value is given from the standard diagnostic calculations. 整型 16
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类