名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
tag 00A3 Tag Tag- Text that is associated with the Field Device installation. This text can be used by the user in any way. A recommended use is as a unique label to a plant that correlates to a Field Device label: a plant drawing, or on a Control System. This variable is also used as a type of data link layer address handle. 读/写 压缩文本 2048
message 00A4 Message Message- Text that is associated with the Field Device. This text can be used by the user in any way. There is no recommended use. 读/写 压缩文本 2048
descriptor 00A5 Descriptor Descriptor- Text that is associated with the Field Device.This text can be used by the user in any way. There is no specific recommended use. 读/写 压缩文本 2048
date 00A6 Date Date- Gregorian calendar date that is stored in the Field Device. This date can be used by the user in any way. There is no specific recommended use. Enter MM/DD/YY 读/写 HART日期 2048
write_protect 00A7 写保护 写保护模式——表示变量是否能够写入现场设备,或引起在现场设备中执行的动作的命令是否能够发生。根据现场设备的不同,该模式可以由用户通过现场设备硬件或HART协议控制。 枚举 2048
private_label_distributor 00A8 销售商 专用标签销售商——指负责向客户销售该现场设备的公司。 枚举 2048
final_assembly_number 00A9 Final asmbly num Final Assembly Number- Number that is used for identification purposes, and is associated with the overall Field Device. 读/写 无符号 2048
response_preambles 0FE2 响应前同步码数目 响应前同步码数目——由现场设备发送至主机的响应消息中的前同步码数目。 无符号 128
burst_command_number 0FFD Command number 广播选项——如果已使能广播模式,选择将被广播的变量。 枚举 128
burst_mode_select 0FFF Burst mode status If set ON, will allow 3 refreshs per second without Master request. This function is sometime incompatible with DCS or PC softwares use. 枚举 128
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类