Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
fFriction | 402D | friction | Friction. This value is coming from the standard diagnostic calculations. | R | Float | 16 |
fLSpringRange | 402E | low spring range | Low spring value. This value is coming from the standard diagnostic calculations. | R | Float | 16 |
fUSpringRange | 402F | upper spring range | High spring value. This value is coming from the standard diagnostic calculations. | R | Float | 16 |
fLPressure | 4030 | lower pressure | low pressure value in the valve actuator. This value is coming from the standard diagnostic calculations. | R | Float | 16 |
fUPressure | 4031 | upper pressure | Upper pressure value in the valve actuator. This value is coming from the standard diagnostic calculations. | R | Float | 16 |
fStartPos | 4096 | Start position | Start valve position for the extended diagnostic test. | W | Float | 8 |
fEndPos | 4097 | End position | End valve position for the extended diagnostic test. | W | Float | 8 |
bFaultCode0 | 4075 | bFaultCode0 | Reports Device Errors | R | BitEnum | 2 |
bFaultCode1 | 4076 | bFaultCode1 | Reports Device Errors | R | BitEnum | 2 |
bFaultCode2 | 4077 | bFaultCode2 | Reports Device Errors | R | BitEnum | 2 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |