Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
fUPosLimits 404C Upper Limit The SVI II allows the user to establish software limit stops. The control functions will NOT allow the valve position to be above than the upper position limit.However this option DOES NOT PROVIDE MECHANICAL STOPS for the valve.During a electrical or air failure the valve will go to the fail safe position without regard to the software limit stops.The manual position full closed or full open will similary ignore limit stops. R/W Float 8
cBumplessSpeed 404D TRFRT Time R/W Unsigned 8
cLanguage 404E language Choice of languages displayed on the SVI II LCD. R/W Enum 8
fPosBand 404F pos error band Value corresponding to the maximun error (in % opening ) between the setpoint and the valve position allowed, before setting a status flag or putting the valve in fail safe mode regards the selection of associated variables Time 1 and Time 2. Value must be between 0.5% and 100.0% . R/W Float 8
fNear 4052 valve near closed Value of valve position below which the user considers the valve as being near closed position.Used in continuous diagnostic calculations. Must be between 0 and 20%. R/W Float 8
nPosTime1 4050 time 1 time before to set the warning : valve error position this time must be >= 1 s and below 328 s.However to inhibit the warning set -1 s. R/W Integer 8
nPosTime2 4051 time 2 Time before to put the valve in failsafe mode. This time must be >= 20 s and below 328 s and in any case 2s greater than Time 1 However to inhibit failsave mode set -1 s. R/W Integer 8
fLSignal 4029 low signal Low input signal for valve closed (direct acting) or low input signal for valve open (reverse acting). Must be between 3.5 mA and 14 mA. R/W Float 8
fUSignal 402A high signal high input signal for valve open (direct acting) or high input signal for valve open (reverse acting). Must be between 8 mA et 22 mA. R/W Float 8
fUStopPer 4053 open stop adj Value for open stop adjustment.This value must be between 60%-100%.For some valves the open position stop exceeds the nominal travel of the valve.By entering a value, the position calibration can be adjusted to nominal travel . W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class