Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
nD 4067 D Derivative time or rate time in milliSeconds. Common values are 10 to 100. Values between 0 and 200. R/W Unsigned 10
nPadj 4068 Padj Coefficient added to P when the valve is exhausting and compensates the variation in filling and exhausting speed. Can be positive or negative value range between -3000 to +3000. R/W Integer 10
nBeta 4069 Beta Nonlinear gain factor. When beta is 0, the proportional gain is linear, otherwise the gain P is a function of error. The larger the beta, the smaller the gain for small error. Typical beta value is 7 or 8. Beta is ranging from -9 to +9. R/W Integer 10
nDamping 40F5 Damping Coefficient to increase the valve response for some applications. A value of 0 gives no Damping. 0 to 250 seconds is for slow down in both directions. -1 to -250 is for slow down in OPEN direction ONLY. -1001 to -1250 is for slow down in CLOSE direction ONLY. R/W Integer 10
nPosComp 406B Position Comp. The response of the valve is different when the valve is nearly closed than when nearly open. This coefficient allows the user to make adjustments to try to equalize the valve response. Normal value is 6 and this value is ranging from 2 to 20. R/W Unsigned 10
nDeadZone 406A Dead Zone When the valve position is within the setpoint +/- the dead zone and, no additional position control is performed. This value is normally 0%. Used to avoid limit cycling for high friction valves. Range is 0 to 5%. R/W Unsigned 10
nDeadBand 406C Boost Boost- Compensates for the pnuematic dead band. Value ranges between 0 and 20. R/W Unsigned 10
nNonLinear 4125 Non Linear Non Linear R Unsigned 10
nReserved1 4126 Reserved 1 Reserved 1 R Unsigned 10
nReason 40F1 Auto Tune Fault Reason for Auto Tune failure R Unsigned 10
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class