Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Cell_Temp_Min 4042 Cell Min Cell Min- Min temperature of the cell. R Float 16
Cell_Temp_Max 4043 Cell Max Cell Max- Max temperature of the cell. R Float 16
min_and_max_temperature_mode 4044 Action Mode Stop: Stop recording of temp data. Restart: Restart recording of temp data. Clear: Clear min/max temp data. W Enum 16
change_write_protect 4049 Protect At First, Input password. and Set Enable/Disable of Write Protect. R/W Enum 16
access_password_value 404A Password Password- Current password for setting Enable/Disable of Write Protect. W PackedAscii 256
old_password_value 404B Old Old- Current (old) password for Write Protect. W PackedAscii 256
new_password_value 404C New New- New password for Write Protect. W PackedAscii 256
User_Zero_Trim_Data 4052 Zero Zero- User zero trim data. R Float 16
User_Span_Trim_Data 4053 Span Span- User span trim data. R Float 16
cell_body_no 400C Cell B/N Cell B/N: Cell_Body_No- Manufacturer Cell Body Number consist of 8 digits(max.), read only. R PackedAscii 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class